Saturday, April 19, 2008

Relaxing Saturday

We have had a very relaxing Saturday. This morning we got up and made breakfast. Then me and Mom took Landyn to get her very first pedicure! It was the cutest thing ever. I totally forgot to take the camera!!! I so wished I could have taken pictures of her soaking her feet and getting them polished. She even got a flower painted on them!!! She sat there like the perfect angel for the entire process! After our pedicures we went and ate lunch with Daddy in between his umpiring games. Biscuit, Honey, and Uncle Blake met us for lunch as well. Then we came home and took a fabulous nap. After we woke up from our nap, we decided we were in the mood for Chinese food! Patrick and I make a great stir fry noodle/veggie dish and shrimp fried rice. So Mom went and picked up Sushi (YUM!), and we made our stir fry and rice. It was fabulous!! Landyn loved it and decided she wanted to use the chop sticks like her Daddy! She was so cute trying to use them. She was actually doing pretty good. Thought you might enjoy some pictures from our day!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Finally, More House Pictures!!

Sample of large baseboards throughout the house - not in Landyn's or guest room

New front door

New front door

Landyn's pink bath with new white tile floor. It used to have carpet - YUCK!

Guest bedroom finished painting

Guest bedroom

Guest bedroom

Kitchen cabinet drawers. Still needs hardware,which are really dark knobs.

Close-up of kitchen drawers.

End of cabinets. This is what the cabinet doors will look like.

It is about time that I post some more pictures of progress on the house. We are slowly but surely getting things checked off our list. Patrick has been finishing up all the trim, crown, and baseboards. He has also been working on antiquing the kitchen cabinets. The grout has been put down on the tile, but not cleaned which means it still has a film on top. I finished painting the guest bedroom. The highlight of our week was our new front door!!!! My parents helped us purchase a new front door!! We are so grateful! We really wanted one, but didn't think we could fit it into our budget. Hope you enjoy the pictures. We are looking forward to a gorgeous weekend, and hopefully we can get alot accomplished over at the house.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ride 'em Cowgirl!

This past weekend, we went to the Bloomin' Temple Festival. Landyn had a great time at the petting zoo and riding a pony! At the end of the night, she went to her first outdoor concert! We took her to the Earl Thomas Connely concert.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Never Been Tagged!!

I am here to confess that I had never been tagged before until today! MaryBeth, a friend from good ol' HSU days, tagged me. So I am going to play along. Hope you enjoy!

Here are the rules:

1. Link your tagger. Post the rules
2. Share 7 facts about yourself (random or weird)
3. Tag 7 friends
4. Leave a comment letting them know they have been tagged.
Here goes......

1. I am a creature of habit and don't like change. I find comfort in familiarity and routine. Just like those old couples who go and eat at the same restaurant, at the same time, on the same day, week after week. That is me! I get emotional rearranging my bedroom! I don't want to anticipate the unexpected. I don't like being gone on vacation for long because I miss "the same old routine". Patrick thinks this is borderline crazy!

2. I would love to have 4 or 5 kids! Yep, that is correct..........FOUR OR FIVE! Patrick is not sure about the sanity in this either!! :)

3. One of my favorite things to do is curl up in bed at night in between Patrick and Landyn and read. I love being able to hear both of them breathing peacefully. It is such a comfort being right there between the people I love the most!

4. I love wine! When Patrick and I started dating, he was big into wine because he spent 6 months in Italy. So he got me interested in wine as well. I love going to wine tastings and visiting vineyards. I love Fredricksburg! My house decor has alot of grapes, vineyards, and Tuscan motif.

5. I am starting to really enjoy cooking. I wasn't much into cooking until just recently. It is relaxing to me. So in the evenings, I put Landyn in front of the TV to watch Diego, while I cook dinner. I think it would be fun to do a cooking class!!

6. I am a list maker/planner. Once again, I don't like to anticipate the unexpected. Vacations have an itinerary, lists are made of things to bring or do, everything needs to be checked off. Failing to plan is planning to fail!!

7. Last but not least, I have the most amazing family and friends whom I love unconditionally!

Well, that wasn't so bad. Sorry I don't have more exciting facts about myself. I am tagging Sarah, Amy B., Andrea, Holly, Melissa, Sonia, and Kristy!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

Today Landyn and I went to watch Patrick umpire a Little League baseball tournament. Landyn had a blast! She was so excited about going to watch baseball. It was a gorgeous day. She looked so cute in her baseball cap and with her baseball glove!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Like Father, Like Daughter

Funny Story:

Patrick has taken up cigar smoking every once in a while with the guys. I am not a big fan, but there are much worse things he could be doing. So when we all get together on the weekends, the girls stay inside and sip our glass of wine, while the guys go outside to smoke their cigars.

Well, today at lunch, Landyn got a cupcake with a little Barney decoration that was sticking out of the top of it. She wanted to keep her plastic Barney stick, which was fine by me. On our way home, I heard her blowing on something back in her car seat. I turned to see what she was doing, and she told me quote, "I am smoking my cigar. It has fire in it." She actually had the pick in her fingers the same way that the guys smoke their cigars!!! I initially burst out laughing! I had no idea what made her think of that or why she thought the Barney pick would make a good cigar! Then I had to try and explain to her why we don't smoke cigars, just the guys. Like that made any sense to her! She wanted to be like Daddy!

When I told Patrick this, he said, "Did she want a glass of Scotch in the other hand?" Jokingly of course!

Typical guys for you!!

Recap of the Week

This week has been busy. Monday and Tuesday, I worked on the house..............painting. Wednesday, I took a break from painting, but went shopping for a new front door at Home Depot and Lowes. Still haven't found one yet. Thursday, I helped Patrick grout the tile............that was hard work! It is looking good though!

On Wednesday, Landyn's first cousin was born. Connor Creed Johnson was born here in Temple and we went to see him at the hospital. He is so cute! Landyn had her pictures taken by a photographer in the bluebonnets yesterday. We haven't seen the proofs yet, but I think she did really well! Landyn seemed to have a blast doing it! This morning I had a doctor's appointment and had an ultrasound done. The doctor was able to see 2, possibly 3, eggs! More targets means more chances of one of them taking!

That has been our week in a nutshell. Landyn and I will be home alone most of the day tomorrow. Patrick is umpiring a baseball tournament. All the rest of the family is going to Round Top to shop for furniture. We won't know what to do in Temple all by ourselves!