Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Such a Great Big Sister

From day one, Landyn has loved being a big sis! She is so nurturing and sweet to Brooks. Last week, I put her in charge of feeding him lunch, which consisted of cottage cheese. Brooks eats just about anything and everything that we put in front of him, and he loves textured stuff the most! Cottage cheese is one of his favorites. Along with refried beans! I am not sure where either of those fall on the "schedule" to introduce to babies, but oh well. I did catch Landyn sneaking him a few bites of Starbucks pumpkin loaf yesterday at breakfast. When I asked what she was doing, she told me Brooks looked like he wanted a bite of her pumpkin loaf and then explained to me how she was giving him little bitty pieces that were smooshed flat since he only has two teeth!! And sure enough, he was loving every bite!!I definitely do not know where pumpkin loaf falls into the schedule. At this rate, he will be eating at a full buffet by next month! He also learned to drink from a straw sippy cup yesterday! Which is a really big deal to us since he still will not take a bottle! So he is taking water and juice now! So of course, Landyn loves sharing her drink with him!

1 comment:

Jenn Pitts said...

What a sweet big sis! And I love that Brooks was eating Starbucks pumpkin loaf - my kind of man!