Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008: Mariposa the Butterfly Fairy

Landyn had a fabulous Halloween despite the stomach bug that we have been battling for a few days now. Thursday morning she woke up throwing up. Yuck. Friday morning we were dealing with the other end for a couple of hours. Yuck Yuck. But by Friday afternoon, all seemed fine. So we went trick-or-treating and had a great time. No problem. That night about midnight, she woke up throwing up again. Yuck Yuck Yuck.
We did have a great time though. We do have one funny story for the night which proves my point of what an animated drama queen Landyn can be.....even if her intentions are really sweet. She is destined for star-dom!!
Landyn went Trick-or Treating at our friends Lee and Sally's house. Sally was so cute and had a box of Whoppers tied with a bow and a candycorn lollipop. Way cute! Anyway she gave the box of Whoppers to Landyn and Landyn responded with great enthusiasm "Yeah, Chocolate Milk, My Favorite!" She was very animated and grateful. Which is so sweet on her part. The funny part is that she doesn't drink all!! Not white, strawberry, soy, or chocolate. None! But we had talked about saying "thank you" to ever body who gives her candy!!! So she saw the box of whoppers, which looks like a carton of milk and wanted to be very grateful for the "chocolate milk". I thought this was the cutest thing ever. I was so proud of her for being sweet despite whatever she thought she was getting. Sally and Lee, we opened the whoppers tonight and ate some, so she knows now that it wasn't' milk!! haha


Laura said...

Hey Rachel-I found your blog through Holly S's. Your daugther is so beautiful and I love her name. I love finding new blogs to read. hope all is well.

Laura (Carroll) Bersoza

The Armstrong Family said...

Such a sweetheart! I loved that she thanked us for the "chocolate milk"...even though she doesn't drink it. Thanks for coming over. We love it!

Jenn Pitts said...

I had so much fun trick-or-treating with you guys on Friday night! Thanks for letting me tag along!

Mary Beth and Travis said...

I love the story about the chocolate milk! I can totally imagine Landyn saying it too! :) You guys have a sweet sweet girl!